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How You Can Support Napster Thanks for being a member of the Napster community and for the support you have shown. As you have probably heard, the RIAA won a court battle this week that may keep you from using Napster to share music. Today the court of appeals stayed the judge's order to shut down Napster until they consider our appeal, probably in September. We'll keep you informed about any developments. In the meantime we will continue working to provide the best possible experience for the Napster community. We're getting a lot of questions about what people can do to help. Here are three things you can do right away. 1. Write the heads of the major record companies and tell them you are their best customers - loyal and active music fans -- and that you don't want them to kill Napster. Here's a link to their emails. 2. Show the companies your power. We're calling for a positive "buy-cott". Support the artists who support Napster by going out and buying their CDs. Click here for a list. Be sure to let the record store know you came from Napster. 3. Keep coming back. We'll keep you informed as time goes on…. Recent News A Message to the Napster Community from Hank Barry And Shawn Fanning - 7/28/00 source: napster.com Napster CEO Hank Barry today said: "We're gratified and appreciative of the 9th Circuit Court's decision today to allow the Napster community to continue operating while our appeal of the injunction is pending. We want to thank the Napster community for their support during this period. "I believe the Napster technology can help everyone involved in music - including artists, consumers, and the industry. New technologies can be a win-win situation if we work together on building new models - and we at Napster are eager to do so." Napster Founder Shawn Fanning said: "I am happy and grateful that we do not have to turn away our 20 million users and that we can continue to help artists. We'll keep working and hoping for the best," said Shawn Fanning. Napster's service will continue in operation, and Napster will continue its positive "Buycott", urging its users to buy the CDs of artists who have come out in support of the music community. Click here for a list. A Message to the Napster Community from Hank Barry, CEO - 7/27/00 source: napster.com As you know, the recording industry has sued Napster in order to shut us down. Wednesday in federal court, the Judge issued an order that basically would have the effect of shutting down the Napster service as it currently exists. We will appeal the Judge's ruling to the Court of Appeals and will ask the Court of Appeals this morning to stay the Judge's order during the appeal. If we do not get a stay, then we have until midnight Friday to comply with the Judge's order. Although we strongly and firmly disagree with the Judge's decision, we will comply with that decision if it is not stayed. The Judge's ruling is essentially this: that one-to-one non-commercial file sharing violates the law. We will fight this ruling in a variety of ways to keep the Napster community growing and strong. We will keep you informed and we will ask for your help. Please check our web site and our application for updates and what you can do. We intend to see this through in every venue, in every court. We believe in Napster and we believe in the Napster community. Thank you for your support. View the archived webcast of CEO Hank Barry and Founder Shawn Fanning's resonse to Judge Patel's ruling here. Get Back to Basics source: napster.com Limp Bizkit’s "Back To Basics" free summer tour, sponsored by Napster, is coming to your town sooner than you think! Get the full list of dates. Winner Winner Winner source: Rapstation.com "Power To The People & The Beats" winner is Benefit, coming at ya, straight outta Florida underground. Check out his winning song at Rapstation.com. New Artist Program Find the best up and coming artists in our New Artist Program. If you're an unsigned artist, register and get yourself in front of the Napster community. Looking for something new? We are happy to introduce you to Elwood, an exciting new artist on the Palm Pictures label. For more information, visit the official site, or use Napster to search for “Sundown” by Elwood. Jobs Looking for fast-paced work on the cutting edge of technology? Napster is hiring. NAPSTERS FILTER LÄCKER SOM ETT SÅLL -Napster verkar använda det mest genomsläppliga filter man kan hitta. Vägrar de använda ett effektivt filter av rädsla för att det verkligen ska fungera? I stort sett all musik vi uppmanat Napster att filtrera bort är fortfarande tillgänglig, sade Recording Industry Association of Americas ordförande Hillary Rosen i tisdags. Samtidigt uppmärksammade RIAA den federala domstolen på att Napster inte rättar sig efter domstolens order att blockera tillgången till upphovsrättsskyddad musik. Napster bemötte kritiken och uppgav att man blockerat 275 000 unika sånger och 1,6 miljoner unika filnamn. Skivindustrin kritiserades för att visa bristande samarbetsvilja och Napster hävdar att inte ett enda skivbolag försett företaget med listor över alternativa sångtitlar för att underlätta blockeringsarbetet. Napster har bett domaren Marilyn Hall Patel att tillsätta en expert som ska bedöma de tekniska aspekterna i den pågående tvisten med skivindustrin. [MA 2001-03-30] http://www.riaa.com/PR_story.cfm?id=394 http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010327/22/napster-lawsuit http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/1882.cfm Mer länkar i ämnet: > Appeals court to Napster: Rock on! > Napster backlash? RIAA site crippled > Hackers ream RIAA over Napster > Is Napster being two-faced? > Skivbolagen förlorare - alternativen till Napster > Napster tjänar på den legala bataljen > Napster fortsätter kampen [000819] > Skivbolagen ökar jakten... [000819] > EMI stämmer webbsite [000819] > > MP3.com startar e-postkrig [000930] > Why Napster Knockoffs Aren't Getting It [001004] > Napster still up - for now [001004] > Om File Sharing - med program [001026] > Steve Ballmer - Napster ett tidstecken [001027] > Napster - on the Rise [001028] > Judge: - Napster efforts 'disgraceful' [010414] > Napsters filter rensar ut rejält [010414] > Napster crackfilter - Catnap [010428] End of story! (...kanske inte ändå?) > Nu har Napster vingklippts till den grad, att storyn går mot sitt slut. Tack Napster för banbrytande insatser! Rekommenderar sökmotorn > Napster sprattlar emot. När 90% av användarna försvunnit släpper man en ny variant, som lär släppa igenom mer musik än 'originalet'. Dödsryckningar? [2001-06-23] > Napster läggs ned. The End. [2001-07-12] > Napster öppnar som betaltjänst vid årsskiftet 2002. Vem bryr sig?. [2001-08-26] > Napster blir endast tillgängligt i USA. Vem bryr sig?. [2002-01-20] > Napsterrättegången fortsätter efter misslyckade samtal. [2002-02-21] > Napster court win puts labels in spotlight. [2002-02-25] > Napsterrättegången blir minst ett år äldre . [2002-03-27] > Nya turer, nalkas konkursen? . [2002-05-18] > Roxio köper Napster . [2002-11-15] > Napster revival! Återuppstår för nedladdning av musik som betaltjänst. [2003-11-17] > Napster FREE again! Going back to its freewheeling early days, music service offers five free listens of songs. :)) [2006-05-01] > Napster byter ägare; den forna musikpiraten Napster är värt 121 miljoner dollar, motsvarande 817 Mkr. Det tycker i varje fall elektronikkedjan Best Buy som bjuder den summan för den numera helt legala musiktjänsten. [2008-09-16] > Hela Napsters historia i sammanfattning, "How the Old Napster Worked". [2009-09-08] > Apropå Antipiratbyrån, och kampen mellan fildelning och musikindustrin: ![]() Napster laddar upp igen; nu nylanserar Napster sin prenumerationsservice i Storbritannien. En ny webb-baserad modell avtäcks och hela sajten har fått ett uppdaterat utseende. Napster version 4.6 heter den nya modellen och med dess hjälp kan prenumeranter få tillgång till och spela sin musik på vilken dator som helst med internetkoppling. Ingen mjukvara behöver laddas ner. Användarna kan strömma fullängdslåtar från Napsterkatalogen. De får även fullständig access till existerande musikbibliotek och spellistor. En ny funktion i Napster 4.6 är Automix. Det är ett automatiserat verktyg som rekommenderar musik och hjälper användaren upptäcka nya artister och låtar. Automix skapar specialframtagna spellistor som baseras på de låtar Napstermedlemmen har valt. [2009-02-02] Copyright © 1998-2010, Johny Bjurhoff På nätet från 980801 |